Inspiration & Information For Reinventing How We Live...
in Our Families, in Our Communities, and on Our Planet
Life Media is an independently-owned, environmentally-conscious publishing company, launched in 1976. Our goal is to provide editorially independent, quality information in a way that minimizes our ecological footprint and respects all the inhabitants of Mother Earth.
Our family of web-based magazines – Natural Life, Life Learning, Natural Child, and Child's Play – and our e-books, as well as a variety of other websites, provide readers around the world with straightforward, trustworthy facts, analysis, opinions, and how-to information about green living; natural parenting; self-employment and green economics; play; and self-directed community- and home-based learning.
We are sometimes controversial, always honest, and forever practical. As one of the original progressive North American sources of information about natural family living, homeschooling, and home/micro business, we work hard to provide a fresh perspective on these important topics, as well as the newer ones we're always adding to our repertoire.
We invite you to explore the various websites, policies, and profiles displayed on this site to learn more about Life Media and how we can help you and your family live a greener, healthier, more socially responsible and self-reliant lifestyle. Here is a convenient summary of the members of the Life Media family.

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