Natural Life Magazine

Welcome to Natural Life Magazine

Thanks for your interest in Natural Life Magazine. For over 45 years, we have been providing positive, actionable information and inspiration about simple, green, healthy family living, with the aim of reinventing how we live and learn in our families, in our communities, and on our planet.

The public awareness of and concern about environmental problems has ebbed and flowed many times since our first issue in 1976, although climate change seems to be taken more seriously by citizens than our governments right now. I feel relatively positive about the state of the world these days; in spite of all the nasty things we might read on social networks and in the news, real change is happening...and we are all part of it.

Your commitment to living more lightly on the earth is part of this change. And on a broader level, one of the small things you can do to help increase the speed of change is to share this website and the vast amount of information on it with your friends, family, colleagues, and community connections.

On our About page are some links that you can visit to learn more about us.

I'm glad you've dropped by and look forward to having you as part of the Natural Life Magazine community of readers and contributors.

Editor Wendy Priesnitz


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