Serve Up a Smile With Watermelon
Nothing says summer like watermelon. Sweet, refreshing, delicious and healthy, it always seems to make people smile.
In China and Japan, watermelon is a popular gift to bring to a host. The first recorded watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt and is depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics on the walls of their ancient buildings. Watermelons were often placed in the burial tombs of kings to nourish them in the afterlife. From Egypt, watermelons spread throughout countries along the Mediterranean Sea by way of merchant ships, and found its way to China, which is now the world’s number one producer of watermelons. The United States currently ranks fourth in worldwide production of watermelon, out of 96 countries that grow this popular fruit. It has become a staple in households the world over.
A one-cup (250 ml) serving of watermelon has just 51 calories and provides a quarter of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C. It is also rich in Vitamins A, Thiamin and B-6, as well as a good source of magnesium and potassium. Watermelon also contains high levels of lycopene, higher, in fact, than tomatoes. A number of studies have drawn a correlation between lycopene – which is part of a class of antioxidant plant compounds called carotenoids – and the possible prevention of cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Watermelons are easy to grow in the home garden, given enough space. In fact, they’re known to sprout up from discarded seed. They also need warm soil to germinate, a long growing season (100 to 150 days) and loamy soil.
There’s a bit of an art to knowing when a watermelon is ripe to pick or, for that matter, to purchase or use. A watermelon is generally ready to harvest when the tendril nearest that fruit is dried up and brown in color. Some people swear by the thumping method, but each type of melon will have its own distinctive sound. In the store, choose a firm, symmetrical watermelon that is free of bruises, cuts and dents. Lift it up – it should be heavy for its size. Watermelon is 92 percent water, which accounts for most of its weight. On the underside of the watermelon there should be a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun.
Store watermelons on the warm side. Compared to most fruits, they need a more “tropical” climate – a thermometer reading of 55° F (13 C) is ideal. However, whole melons will keep for seven to ten days at room temperature. Store them too long, and they’ll lose flavor and texture. Freezing causes the rind to break down and produces a mealy, mushy texture.
Check out these unique watermelon recipes. |
Aside from just eatin’ and spittin’, watermelons are increasingly being used in gourmet recipes. Try it cubed, scooped, grilled (just 10 to 20 seconds), pureed, carved and juiced.
Removing the seeds is easy. Wash and quarter a whole melon, then cut each quarter into three or four wedges. Cut lengthwise along the seed line with a paring knife, and lift off piece. Using a fork, scrape seeds both from the removed piece and the remaining flesh on the rind. Use for cubes or continue with the recipe.