Unschooling is Not "Unparticipating"
Two Responses to Attacks on Unschooling
Most life learners / unschoolers / homeschoolers have read articles in the corporate media just before school starts about school-free families. (It is a novelty spin on the regular back-to-school article.)
Some of these articles are reasonably well-researched and written; many others appear to be obligatory rush jobs written by people who know nothing about the topic and are, understandably, coming from a schooled perspective. Others have "click-bait" headlines or have been slanted by skeptical editors.
Inevitably, the website versions of these are accompanied by negative comments by people who apparently know little or nothing about the subject, are afraid of change, are unable/unwilling to have their thinking challenged, or have a vested financial or emotional interest in the educational status quo. And, of course, many of us life learners are frustrated by these articles and comments.
One recent article and the comments elicited some strong responses from life learners on our social networking pages. Two of our regular contributors, Idzie Desmarais and Jennifer Head, sent us their responses, which we published in the September/October 2014 issue.
Here is a PDF of their responses for downloading.
Or if you prefer, here is where you can read both:
Idzie's article Jennifer's article
And here is another series of articles illustrating how unschoolers learn from community engagement.
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