Natural Life Magazine

Have a Green Christmas

Christmas has traditionally been an important time in the life of many families, whether it's a religious or secular celebration. But it can also be an environmental nightmare of commercial hype leading to consumer over-indulgence, throwaway gifts and decorations, and excess packaging. And that's not to mention the unhealthy eating and drinking, and the stress of trying to live up to unrealistic expectations and unnecessary entertaining and socializing. If your extended family and friends aren’t as environmentally or socially aware as you are, it can be tempting to forsake your values and eco-ethics and go along with the crowd, especially if you have young children. But that's not necessary; it is possible to create an enjoyable but green Christmas. Here are just a few of the articles featured over the years in Natural Life Magazine that will help you green your holiday celebrations. So sit back, relax, save money, and protect the planet while planning to spread some Christmas cheer.

Christmas ornament

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